Nurse's Corner


Brandi Saunders, BSN, RN


The deadline for students to meet the immunization requirement for mandatory immunizations for public school enrollment is Thursday,  August 15, 2024.  If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse, or visit the  immunization requirements webpage. Thank you for your assistance.
Health Promotion
As we are entering the cold and flu season, this is a reminder of the best health practices to decrease the spread and transmission of viruses in PWCS schools.    
Please remember to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and throw used tissues in the trash.  If you don't have a tissue, cough, or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands.  Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, dry hands with a paper towel, and use the paper towel to turn off the faucet.  If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizers may also be used to preform hand hygiene.
View a complete list of Prince William County Public Schools Health Forms, Resources and Regulations on the PWCS Student Health Services website.
When To Stay Home from School: Regulation R757-1
  1. Fever of 100.4º F and over - exclude until student has been fever-free without the use of fever reducing medications (like Tylenol or Motrin) for at least 24 hours. 
  2. Conjunctivitis (pink eye), strep infections, ringworm, and impetigo are all infections and must be treated and seen by a healthcare provider.
  3. Rash of unknown origin with fever and/or behavioral changes, until a healthcare provider has determined that the illness is not a communicable disease.
  4. Head injury. 
  5. Severe coughing or difficulty breathing. 
  6. Colds - a child with thick or constant nasal discharge should remain home. 
  7. Diarrhea - sudden increase in frequency to more than three loose/watery stools per day. Exclude until student has been symptom free for at least 24 hours. 
  8. Vomiting - unless the vomiting is determined to be caused by a diagnosed non-communicable/non-infectious condition (such as dysmenorrhea, dysphagia, etc.). 
  9. Abdominal pain that continues for more than two hours or intermittent abdominal pain associated with fever or other signs or symptoms. 
  10. Stiff neck associated with fever and/or a recent injury. 
  11. Inadequate immunizations.
  12. Refer to the Virginia Department of Health's "Communicable Disease Reference Chart for School Personnel" for other exclusions/information. 
  13. Refer to PWCS Regulation 757-1 
Products used for cosmetic purposes and not for relief of symptoms are not regarded as medication. These products would include Non-Prescription Eye Care Products, such as Saline or Contact Lens Solutions, and Skin Care Preparations, such as Petroleum jelly, Clearasil, Lip Balm, Hand Lotion, and Sunscreen. Students may carry and appropriately use non-medicated products. For the comfort and safety of others, spray or aerosol products are not to be used.

Cough Drops and Throat Lozenges may be carried and used by students In Kindergarten through Grade 12 as needed, provided that they are in the original container or packaging (Authorization for Medication Administration Form Is Not Required). Students must not share cough drops or throat lozenges under any circumstances.