Discipline Plan

The Pro-Active Discipline Rules and Consequences (PDF) may be downloaded in PDF format. (File not currently available.) To read the plan you will need the Adobe Acrobat plug-in, which can be downloaded here.

The provisions of these rules and consequences apply whenever students are involved, such as:

  • School activities on property owned by the School Board
  • Travel on school buses
  • Off-site, school-sponsored activities, such as field trips
  • On-site or off-site school-related problems which are the result of disruptive behavior at school
  • To and from school
Cumulative offenses will result in progressive consequences.

Students who accumulate offenses may be expelled or placed on long-term suspension for repeated violations of the Code of Behavior even though the singular offenses may not warrant such serious corrective action.

Offenses are designated by level of degree of severity:

  • Level 1: Classroom teachers are encouraged to handle as much of their own discipline as possible.
  • Level 2: Offenses which primarily affect only the individual student and will usually result in detention or Saturday school suspension.
  • Level 3: Serious offenses that cause a disruption to the learning environment. Disciplinary action may be out-of-school suspension or Saturday school suspension.
  • Level 4: Major offenses that will receive the most severe disciplinary actions are out-of-school suspensions which may include an informal hearing with the principal. Informal hearings may lead to a recommendation for expulsion from Prince William Schools.